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Hike to Volavatnet and the mines

Hike to Volavatnet and the mines
Hike to Volavatnet and the mines

A nice hike for the whole family. Explore the old mining area before you take the path to Volavatnet lake. This is a good place for bathing.




Norway 1:50 000 sheet 1215 11, Varaldsøy.
Folgefonna National Park
Folgefonna – Hardanger fjord

Start and stopping point

At the start of the road to the Volaheiane mines.


From the ferry dock in Varaldsøy, follow the main road for approx. 1 km. Turn right at the intersection immediately after the chapel (large white building on the right hand side). After 500 meters, turn left by the Øyerhamn sign. Follow the road for approx. 9 km to the forest road. On the right hand side you will see a sign to Volavatnet and the mines. Park along the road.

Signs and Markings

Information Board at the starting point.
T markings and signs.


Easy hike, one boot according to the DNT system.

Difference in altitude

240 - 360m AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level).

Estimated time

2 hours round trip

Recommended advice

Take time to explore the mine area.
The mines was the most important place of employment in Varaldsøy during several time periods in the 1800's and 1900's.
Here they mined Iron Pyrites, which still can be found in the streams. One can find old house foundations, slag piles and mine shafts here. The mine shafts have been secured for the public. You can find various information and signs at the location.


The first part of the hike is on an old gravel road to the mines. There is a path that goes further on the right side of the first mine shaft. After walking through a terrain with marshes and streams, you arrive at lake Kjøhølen. Follow the path to the left towards Volavatnet. This is a pleasant family hike in the beautiful nature of Varaldsøy. There are excellent places for swimming in Volavatnet.

Source: Region Sunnhordland

Hike to Volavatnet and the mines

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