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Indre Østfold

Hiking: Hovin school, Hylligrava, Åsen round, Spydeberg

Hyllibekken, Spydeberg
Hylligravarunden, Spydeberg
Hylligrava, Spydeberg
Hylligravarunden, Spydeberg
Hylligravarunden Spydeberg
Hylligravarunden Spydeberg
Vandre Spydeberg

We start the tour at Hovind school. Follow the path behind the school and go over the stream and up the hill. At the top, take the gravel road to the right and follow it into the forest. The path splits and you keep to the right. You will then come to the Hylligrava after a little bit.

Next to Hylliåsen is a farmyard, you cross this and add the edge of the field to the left eventually. Then you follow the dirty route to Åsen around.

A nice tour close to the city centre.

Source: Visit Indre Østfold

Hiking: Hovin school, Hylligrava, Åsen round, Spydeberg

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