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Hiking route: Stokkvola

Tur til Stokkvola
Levanger Stokkvola Foto Kåre SandmarkWEB
Tur til Stokkvola
Tur til Stokkvola
Vandring Levanger Stokkvola Per Birger Mossing (2)
Vandring Levanger Stokkvola
Vandring Levanger Stokkvola Per Birger Mossing (24)
Levanger Tur til Stokkvola sept 19 vandring Foto Visit Innherred  (2)
Tur til Stokkvola
Utsikt fra Stokkvola
Tur til Stokkvola
Levanger Tur til Stokkvola sept 19 vandring Foto Visit Innherred (117)

The Stokkvola trail is a gravel trail in the mountains close to Åsen, Levanger. Just 8 km from the E6.

The view from the top is amazing, regardless of the weather!

The trail starts at Møssingdalen ski centre and is ca 2 kilometer one way, and perfectly suited for families. There are several places to rest along the trail, with nice information posters about local history and birds etc. 

One can take a baby stroller along the trail, but the last part of the trail is steep.

Follow E6 to Åsen, Follow the "Stokkvola" sign onto road 108, and continue for 4,5 kilometer to the sign  "Stokkvola" on the left hand side of the road. Park at the Ski center cabin and the Stokkvola poster on the right hand side of the road.

Source: Innherred Reiseliv

Hiking route: Stokkvola

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