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Hiking to Tøttatoppen Peak

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Hiking to Tøttatoppen Peak
Hiking to Tøttatoppen Peak
Hiking to Tøttatoppen Peak
Hiking to Tøttatoppen Peak
Hiking to Tøttatoppen Peak
Hiking to Tøttatoppen Peak

The Tøttatoppen peak has as magical attraction on locals as well as visitors in Narvik. And it is understandable as it sticks up like a Matterhorn well visible from all over Narvik town and is apparently indestructible.

The summit is a beautiful sight for hikers in the area and is a very popular peak that is climbed by hundreds of people each year. The top looks mildly demanding in its best profile, but despite this, it is a relatively simple top to climb, and has for several years been on the “Ten on top hiking trails” in the Narvik region.

The most common starting point for a trip to Tøttatoppen is at the mini-power plant where the starting point of Tøttadalen Valley is located. This is one of the most visited hiking areas in Narvik for families and hiking tourist at all levels. Follow the E6 route to Narvik and take off towards Narvikfjellet Alpine resort, and at the bottom of the alpine slopes turn left towards the mini-power plant where the starting point for the tour is.

Source: Visit Narvik AS

Hiking to Tøttatoppen Peak

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