Hiking track - Trollavassnipen

Hiking track to the highest mountain in Sveio. On a clear day it is possible to see almost all the way from Bergen to Stavanger.
Hiking track to the highest mountain in Sveio.
One to two hours to the peak, which is 432 metres above sea level, with some steep tracks. Excellent view in all directions, it is possible to see almost all the way from Bergen to Stavanger on a clear day. The track starts just south of Valestrand school. Parking close to the school. You can also walk from Holsvika outdoor area (Bjørgo) or from Haugsgjerdelva river.
From the top of the highest mountain in Sveio, Trollavassnipen, you might see from Bergen to Stavanger on days with good weather conditions. The hike to the top of this mountain takes about 1 - 2 hours, some parts of the hike is very steep.
Trollavassnipen in Valevåg
Hiking mapSveio (1 : 50.000)
Start and end pointStart from Kleivo ungdomshus in Einstadbøvoll, by Haugsgjerdelva in Tittelsnes or from Holsvika recreational area. The path from Kleivo is the one that most hikers choose. Parking: at all starting points Marking: Information board at all starting points. The route is well marked and it is relatively easy to find the path. Signs showing the way where the path parts. Sign at the top.
Altitude difference40 – 432 masl
Time2 - 3 hours for the roundtrip
Seasonall year
Equipment and clothingGood hiking boots. The hike has some wet areas.
Tour descriptionThe hike from Kleivo, which is the most popular, starts in the forrest - steep - behind the Kleivo ungdomshus. After some distance, the landscape becomes more flat, but towards the top it becomes more steep. From the top, you can see in all directions - you can see islands of Sunnhordland and towards the mountains of Rosendal and Hardanger. You might also see the bridges of Trekantsambandet.
- Easy
- All year
- Glacier hiking
Source: Region Sunnhordland
Hiking track - Trollavassnipen