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Hiltahouse Røvær - Haugalandmuseet

Fra utstillingen i Hiltahuset
Hiltahuset på Røvær
Hiltahouse Røvær - Haugalandmuseet

Hiltahuset is located on Røvær, half an hour by boat from Haugesund. It is the oldest house on the island, and the museum tells the story of life on Røvær 150 years ago.

Where on the island is Hiltahuset and how can I visit the museum?

Hiltahuset is centrally located on the island, a few hundred meters from the sea by the prayer house and the school where the old settlement on Røvær was located. The museum is open during the summer season, but can also be visited by appointment. To visit Røvær, you must take the ferry from Indre Kai in Haugesund.

Which exhibitions can I see?

The locals have collected many old artefacts that help to tell Røvær's history. One of the rooms is dedicated to the Røvær accident in 1899 and shows the conditions at Røvær at the time.

The building style

The construction indicates that the building was erected around 1820-1830. It consists of two older living rooms with a hallway and kitchen in the centre. The house was built as a farmhouse, but later functioned as a farmhouse (in Norwegian called “kårhus”).

In the 1880s, one of the living rooms was periodically used as a schoolroom. The teacher taught two weeks at Røvær and two weeks at Hauge School in Haugesund. The descendants of the Hilt family handed the house over to the History Society in the 1980s, which now owns the house. The house is named after the Hilt family, who were the last to live here.

How much does the ticket cost?

Adult: NOK 100

Student (16-18): NOK 70

Senior: NOK 70

Children under 16: Free

What are the opening hours?

Hiltahuset is open during the summer, but can also be opened by appointment. The ticket gives access to two of Haugalandmuseet's open museums within 48 hours. See for an overview of our departments.

Opening hours 23.06-25.08.2024:

Thursdays and Sundays at 13:30-15:30

Source: Destinasjon Haugesund & Haugalandet

Hiltahouse Røvær - Haugalandmuseet

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