Holmshatten mountain

The starting point for the trip up to Holmshatten is by Fv17 just south of Holm ferry landing. The trip is considered medium to demanding and takes about 2.5-3 hours. Great view of Bindal and South Helgeland.
Level: Medium to hard.
Distance: 3,9 km
Masl: 620
Duration: 2,5 hours
The view from Holmshatten is diverse - you can see both Otervikfjellet, Austra, Fjellenget, Vega and the famous mountains towards Brønnøysund.
Nice trail, but the climb is considered a bit to long by some. Due to 600 height meters climb, this trip is graded as demanding, although it can be perceived as medium by experienced hikers.
Access: Follow Fv17 towards Holm. On the long stretch north of the church, just by the 60 km sign, there is a marked exit. Follow the gravel road approx. 300 m to the car park.
Source: Kystriksveien Reiseliv
Holmshatten mountain