Huset Bistro

Eco certified travel providers
Environmental certification of private and public enterprises, also tourism.
The rooms in Huset Bistro have a special atmosphere, with rich Svalbard history in its walls. Here you'll find a lot of photos and other artifacts from the time when coal mining was the main industry in Longyearbyen.
The rooms in Huset Bistro have a special atmosphere, with rich Svalbard history in its walls. Here you’ll find a lot of photos and other artifacts from the time when coal mining was the main industry in Longyearbyen. Huset Bistro opened on the 13th of October 1951; The day of the inauguration of the entire building.
The mining company, Store Norske Spitsbergen Kullkompani, started the construction of Huset (Norwegian for “The House”) at the end of the 40’s. Huset was centrally located in the valley, between the different neighborhoods of Longyearbyen. It was therefore called “the city's heart”. At Huset, people could meet on neutral ground, despite the distinct class division within the mining community. It was established as a place for both the miners and officials of the mining company. During the first years after opening, Huset was a communal meeting house. Throughout the years, it also served as a post office, hospital, school, and of course its famous Bistro.
Today, the bistro is used to serve the traditional Saturday Steak (in Norwegian “Lørdagsbiff”), as well as during special events and gatherings. A visit in Huset is a must for all travelers coming to Svalbard, and it’s just as popular among the locals. The Saturday Steak has become a tradition for many!
Opening hours
Saturday Steak / ”Lørdagsbiff”: Saturday from 12 pm to 5 pm.
Tlf: +47 48 04 45 45
Source: Svalbard Reiseliv AS
Huset Bistro