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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Hvaler Gjestgiveri

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Guest house on the Hvaler Islands.

At Hvaler Gjestgiveri, it is easy to relax no matter the year and no matter the day. Hvaler Gjestgiveri has 14 double rooms, 5 smaller, 2 medium and 7 large, all with private bathroom. Since the hotel is located as it is, you sleep in a peaceful environment and wake up refreshed to birdsong. How about getting to the kitchen and having a cup of coffee before crawling back into bed while the curtains move gently in the morning breeze?

The place also provides the perfect setting for parties, weddings and other events - large or small. Hvaler Gjestgiveri has meeting rooms for 8, 16 or 30 people and room for 80 in the restaurant.

Hvaler Gjestgiveri is secluded on Kirkøy, in a wood on Engene with swaying fields and forest around the hotel, it is only a 10 minute walk to the sea and there are beautiful hiking areas and bathing spots everywhere on the island. After breakfast you can also go island hopping with the local ferry to one of the many islands located out in the sea, the hosts especially recommend Herføl. The guest house has bicycles for rent, and it is a short way to experiences and shops.

In the summer, Hvaler Gjestgiveri has many concerts, and otherwise during the year they fill up with theme evenings such as Lobster Evening, Wine Night, Autumn parties, couples weekend and much more, follow Hvaler Gjestgiveri on facebook for more info. See also:

Source: Visit Fredrikstad & Hvaler

Hvaler Gjestgiveri

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