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Information office - Citylab

Bylab inngang inne
Inngang ByLab kred Linn Hallum RNF
Bylab bakgrunn
ByLab Hønefoss - fasade kveldstid

RINGERIKE – within easy reach of most things!

Opening hours
Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday 10:00 – 15:00 (open odd numbered weeks and closed even numbered weeks) 

Welcome to Hønefoss and Ringerike
The visitor centre/tourist office ByLab Hønefoss welcomes you to the town and the region! Our host is on hand to answers questions, provide information, and offer tips and advice on adventures, accommodation, and attractions.

Recommended trips and experiences can also be found at Ringerike municipality’s website. ByLab visitor centre/tourist office is run by Ringerike Næringsforening in collaboration with Ringerike municipality, and is a member of the destination company Visit East Norway.

Source: Visit Øst-Norge

Information office - Citylab

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