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Kayak rental Kråko gjestetun

Kayak rental Kråko gjestetun
Kayak rental Kråko gjestetun
Kayak rental Kråko gjestetun
Kayak rental Kråko gjestetun

Kråko gjestetun camping is located close to the sea, a short drive from FItjar center. They have 7 canoes available. The area around Kråko is great for a paddle trip.

Kråko gjestetun camping is located close to the sea, around 3 km west of Fitjar centre, in direction Kråko. They have 7 canoes available. The area around Kråko is great for a paddle trip. Kråko Gjestetun also offers complete comprehensive for camping tourists with tent, caravans or campervans. 

For more information and prices, please see the web page of Kråko gjestetun.

Source: Region Sunnhordland

Kayak rental Kråko gjestetun

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