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TripAdvisor rating of 3.5


Kunstnernes Hus

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Kunstnernes-Hus_4_Uteservering (c) Kunstnernes Hus
Kunstnernes Hus Trapper
Kunstnernes Hus
Pearla Pigao_Weaving Voices_463-Foto Uli Holz
Kunstnernes Hus

Explore contemporary art in an Oslo landmark rich in history.

Kunstnernes Hus (EN: The Artists' House) is one of Norway’s most important, artist-run museums for Norwegian and international contemporary art. The building is an architectonic landmark designed by architects Gudolf Blakstad and Herman Munthe-Kaas and is one of the foremost examples of the intersection of neoclassicism and functionalism in Norway.

In addition to contemporary art exhibitions, Kunstnernes Hus offers a wide programme of lectures, debates, open studios, guided tours and film screenings in the in-house cinema.

The bookshop presents both international publications and exhibition catalogues. The museum also has a café and restaurant with a terrace overlooking the Palace Park.

Private tours can be booked via e-mail.
Workshops and events for children and families. 

Free entry for artists, art students and members.

Source: VisitOSLO as

Kunstnernes Hus

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