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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Kvitåvatn Fjellstue

kvitavatn utsikt
Kvitåvatn drone
029 edit
032 edit
Gaustatoppen rød
kvitåvatn fjell
103 edit
098 edit
barn i båt

Affordable accommodation in the Gausta area at Gaustatoppen Hostel.

The place has fantastic views of Kvitaavatn and Gaustatoppen.

Kvitåvatn Fjellstue has 22 rooms for 2-5 persons (12 rooms with shower/WC). Breakfast. Guests' kitchen. The main building is suitable for groups of all sizes and offers access to a large kitchen and dining room. Local walks. Canoe and rowing boat. Barbecue. Shelter. Marked trails, alpine slopes and cross-country trails nearby.

Source: Visitrjukan AS

Kvitåvatn Fjellstue

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