Malena Kafè, Vadheim

Malena Café is a small bistro / café - a cozy place where family and friends can gather in Vadheim.
Until 2018, the house was owned by the descendants of Malena and Cristian Ramsli. In the nineties, the cafe was used by the Ramsli family as a summer house. Following a local initiative, an attempt was made in 2011 to run the cafe as a youth club. But it never came into operation properly since the house did not have approved escape routes.
In 2018, Borks Feriehus AS bought the cafe together with Ramslihuset in the street behind.
Sven Bork had previously bought and rehabilitated the business building where Nils Vattekar Eftf. had a shop, and uses this as a holiday home for tourists. In autumn 2019, Bork started work on rehabilitating the old café building. In April 2020, the cafe was ready for use under the new name, Malena Kafè. Named after the woman who in her time started a cafe in the area, Malena Ramsli.
We can accommodate 12 people with a 3-course menu. This can be pre-ordered under "Reservation".
At Malena Kafè they serve Pizza, Ciabatta, Lasagne, Panini, Hamburger, Grateballs and the menu of the day.
On the dessert side; they serve varied cakes, milkshakes and cinnamon rolls.
Welcome :)
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS
Malena Kafè, Vadheim