Meet the locals - Sognefjord Guiding

This guided tour will have you walking through traditional and beautiful farm and fjord landscape with a view to the surrounding mountains and pine forest.
The tour starts with a visit to the farm Amla Nedre. After the visit we continue on a 20min walk to Furehaug farm.
The tour ends up at Heiberg farm with an even more fabulous view over the fjord and mountains.
The farm Amla Nedre is one of the finest and oldest farms in Kaupanger, and it started out as a most respected police office in the 1800s.
At Furehaug we will meet a lovely and local lady who specializes in sewing the traditional "Bunad", a trade very few norwegians know how to do today. She lives and workes just as the Norwegians did right up until around 1920, and she even has a few sheep in her yard for us to visit.
- Easy
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS
Meet the locals - Sognefjord Guiding