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Mjølkevegen: Family package in the south by Jotunheimen Tavel

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Mjølkevegen Stølsvidda familie
Langestølen Kolonial
web_Tisleidammen rasteplass og utsikt

The southern part of the Mjølkevegen cycling route features rolling high country with idyllic mountain farms and far views all the way to the Jotunheimen mountain area. This part of the route is suitable for families and can also be cycled with a trailer/trolley. Cycling is on firm gravel roads with little traffic. On route you will find rivers and lakes that invite for a break or even a fresh dip, and an open mountain farm to visit. 

For an even more relaxed cycling tour we recommend to spend an extra night at Golsfjellet. Visit the pool at Storefjell Resort or set out on Lake Tisleifjorden in a canoe. There's also a nice familiy-friendly day cycling tour, Einarset circuit


Day 1: Arrivat at Golsfjellet
Day 2: Over the high country Stølsvidda to Vaset
Day 3: Back to Golsfjellet along the Panoramic Road (Panoramavegen) and via Langestølen
(Day 4: Optional extra day for a day cycling tour at Golsfjellet) 
Day 4 (5): Departure

Read more and book on Jotunheimen Travel's homepage.

Source: Valdres Destinasjon

Mjølkevegen: Family package in the south by Jotunheimen Tavel

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