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Mountains in Autumn Hiking Holiday | Venabu Fjellhotell

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Enjoy the mountains with our knowledgeable guides when the autumn colours are at their best.

Hike with us across the open expanses and up to panoramic viewpoints.

Each day we visit a new area where the autumnal colours are richest. We follow the paths or we explore away from the tracks. You will hear stories about the nature and culture of Gudbrandsdalen. We plan to have a bonfire and give you a taste of local food.

Holiday highlights:

- magnificent views of Rondane, Alvdal Vestfjell, Venabygdfsjellet and Ringebufjellet

- a walk to our summer farm to enjoy a ‘seterlunsj’ while the 'budeia' recalls the history of the summer farm in Gudbrandsdalen

- Dørfallet, a wonderful "jutulhog"

- the opportunity to take the last dip of the year in a clear mountain lake!


10th - 15th September 2023

Source: Visit Lillehammer

Mountains in Autumn Hiking Holiday | Venabu Fjellhotell

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