Mundal Valley Hike, Fjærland

The Mundal Valley Hike in Fjærland is a gentle and peaceful valley walk for the whole family
The Mundal Valley Hike is a gentle and peaceful valley walk.
This is the perfect family hike. The trail starts from Mundal, Fjærland Guiding headquarter, and we mostly walk on farmers gravel road. We will pass different farms with cows and sheep. It is an easy and peaceful trail with an ascent of 0- 350m. The last part is a bit more steep and rocky. This path will lead us to an old seater, where milking cows and sheep are grazing .You may also get a selfie with the cows. They are quite curious. Here we will have lunch, and walk the same way back again.
Duration: 3-4 hours
Distance: 10 km
Ascension: 350 m
Season: May-October
Difficulty level: Easy to medium. Easy for people who are used to hiking in mountain terrain. Medium for people who are not used to hiking in mountain terrain.
Equipment you have to bring: trekking shoes or terrain trainers, gloves, hat, sun glasses, sunscreen, drinking water, food, snack, wind/water-proof jacket/pants, a backpack for all your gear. Dress up to feel comfortable in the mountain and pay attention to the weather forecast.
Important: You should have insurance that covers hiking in the mountain. The guide have all rights to cancel any activity due to difficult conditions concerning the weather or terrain, and/or lack of proper equipment and/or skills of the participants to accomplish the activity.
- Easy
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS
Mundal Valley Hike, Fjærland