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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Nordenskiöld Lodge

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16-Snowmobiling-Svalbard-Photo by Thought Leader Global-Basecamp Explorer (11)
3. NordenskiöldLoge-photo-DarrenHamlin-Svalbard
6.Basecamp Spitsbergen Adventure Week Photo Kirsti Puro 39(1) (1)
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5. alaskahusky-nordenskioldlodge-basecampexplorer-svalbard-photo-simplysweden

Discover Nordenskiöld Lodge, perched at the edge of the magnificent Nordenskiöld glacier. A true expedition cabin, but with modern comforts. This is the closest you come up to check-in on a glacier and the place where you can truly enjoy the silence and adventures in Svalbard.

You will find Basecamp Nordenskiöld Lodge well hidden in the glacier moraine, and the cabin is hard to spot even for the initiated few who know its sheltered location. With no running water or electricity, we use wood to heat up the cabin and boil running water from the glacier to drink. There are five big bedrooms and 10 comfortable beds, an indoor toilet and a traditional sauna.

The cabin is modern and comfortable with big windows giving away to the mighty blue glacier, alpine mountains and arctic wildlife. In this place you might be the lucky one to wake up and spot the polar bear or Arctic fox silently strolling by in the backyard.

During you stay, we will embark on several day excursions in the surrounding area. In wintertime we explore hidden ice caves and viewpoints, and in summertime we soar the glacier, explore crevasses and experience the peace on top of the world. Our activity menu also offers hikes to nearby summits and kayaking by the glacier front.

The cabin is held by your host and Arctic nature guide. From July to September, we access the cabin by open polarcirkel boat, and in winter time you drive your own snowmobile across frozen fjords and mighty glacier systems.

You can visit Nordenskiöld Lodge together with Basecamp Explorer Spitsbergen.

Source: Svalbard Reiseliv AS

Nordenskiöld Lodge

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