Pump Track Sognefjord

Round after round you can cycle on the Pump Track in Kaupanger and at Sogndal Ski Centre. Both Pump Tracks are paved. Welcome!
A pumptrack is a track for wheeled sports equipment that, when ridden properly, does not require pedaling or pushing, but a "pumping" action to maintain momentum.
Pumptracks get people involved sports, get them together, get them to have fun outside and do something for their health!"
The "pump" part is the pushing-down and pullling-up action performed by riders in accordance with the structure's design as the main source of propulsion. It's a thrilling experience because users experience an up-and-down feeling of weightlesness, similar to the drops and climbs in a roller-coaster, but on a micro-level. Pumptracks are designed this way so they can be ridden completely without the need for pushing and pedaling. (Parkitect)
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS
Pump Track Sognefjord