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Pyramiden Shopping center in Gaupne

Pyramiden Senter Gaupne
Pyramiden Senter Gaupne
Pyramiden Senter Gaupne

If you are going shopping in Luster, more specifically Gaupne, you must take a trip to the Pyramid center. Here you can shop and take a well-deserved break in the cafe.

Welcome to the Pyramiden! Shop and service center in Gaupne which was opened in 1985, the first shopping center in the county.

In the pyramid you will find shops and offices that span most industries.

Toilet and changing room are located on the 2nd floor by the cafe The nearest ATM can be found at Luster Sparebank, 100 meters from the center.

Source: Visit Sognefjord AS

Pyramiden Shopping center in Gaupne

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