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Røra bathing place

Røra Badeplass

Røra beach is a nice and child-friendly bathing place by the Eidangerfjord in Porsgrunn.

Røra beach in Porsgrunn by the Eidangerfjord has a fine sandy beach and beautiful rocky cliffs. Here you will also find a paved grassy area for sunbathing and playing. Let the children enjoy themselves in the sandbox and swing stand.

Røra Badeplass has a cozy cafe/kiosk with a terrace outside. 

Handicap-friendly toilet.

The swimming pool is located by Bergsbygdavegen by Bergsbygda school and is easily accessible by car.
Good parking facilities.
Bus: Take route 82 from Porsgrunn to Røra badested. See

Source: VisitGrenland AS

Røra bathing place

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