Rental cabins in Skjækra (Værdsalsbruket AS)

Værdalsbruket is a forest and mountain property that makes up 58% of Verdal municipality's area!
In the Skjækra mountains, in Helgådalen valley and Vera in Verdal, you can rent a cabin far up in the mountains, without electricity abd mobile phone coverage.
At Værdalsbruket's cabins you can live the good life close to nature. Get close to the majestic Skjækerfjella and relax in front of the fireplace in the evening.
Disconnect from the real world, hear the wind rushing along the walls outside and go for a walk whenever you want. Bring good friends, a deck of cards, some board games and good food and head to the mountains for a weekend or a week!
Cabins in Skjækra
- Ørtugtjønna
- Storbekkdalen
- Bjarnetjern
- Lakavassbu
See map ofer the cabins belonging to Værdalsbruket
These are self-service cabins that must be pre-booked before arriving. The cabins are equipment, and most cabins are equipped with duvets and pillows (for details "read more" under the respective cabin). All you need to bring are pillow / duvet covers, sleeping bag, towels, washcloth, food and personal belongings.
SUmmer transport
Thomas Zbytni is based in Sul and offers horseback riding trips to a selection of the rental cabins. Thomas has extensive experience with horses, thus making the trip interesting at the same time as it facilitates the "load" up the mountains.
Contact Thomas directly for destination, price request and any offer at least two to three days before the desired departure: Tel no +47 40 46 23 87 or via Facebook.
Winter transport / scootert ransport
You can contact local scooter drivers to book transportation to cabins without a road connection. In addition to traditional transport of firewood, materials and gas, this also applies to personal equipment and food when renting rental cabins. Passenger transport is only allowed if it does not generate extra trips. Each provider has his/her own area. Assignments and prices are agreed directly with the scooter driver.
Værdalsbruket has a total of 10 beautiful rental cabins (which you see in the map link above) all attractively located in the wild and beautiful Verdalsfjellet mountains. These cabins are perfect bases for fantastic nature experiences such as mountain hiking, short and long hikes, hunting and fishing both summer and winter.
Source: Innherred Reiseliv
Rental cabins in Skjækra (Værdsalsbruket AS)