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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Roed Farm café

Røed Gaard
Røed Gaard
Røed Gaard

Røed Gaard is the place for cultural experiences for the whole family! The main building is almost 300 years old and is situated in beautiful cultural landscape.

(Røed Gaard)
Røed Farm is the place for cultural experiences for the whole family! The main building is almost 300 years old and is situated in beautiful cultural landscape.
If you would like a guided tour of the main building and the lovely rose garden, contact us for further details. We also accompany for private parties in the old potato storage or outside in the garden.
Røed Gaard is a lively, cultural environment with many artists who have their own workshops and stalls, where you can buy their work. You will also find galleries specialising in art and craft and picture art. We won't settle for just that though. We also have glass blowers, jewellery artists, design, wallpaper, guitar and accordion makers, photographers and a workshop where picture frames are made.
In the storehouse you will find great antiques and in the farm shops you will be able to buy homemade chocolate, learn about how soap is made in the soap works and go back in time to learn about the art of weaving in the weaving house.
In our café we serve freshly baked pastries. During the summer season, there are many events that take place, such as concerts and our very own Røed Rock.
In the early morning of 11th March 2010, the barn at Røed Gaard burnt down. Several animals succumbed to the fire. The music school, Gallery Kvinnelist and photographer Helge Ek's studio, all situated at the farm, burnt down too. Millions of kroner worth of art were destroyed in the fire.

Source: VisitMOSS AS

Roed Farm café

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