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Rudskogen Motorsenter, Rakkestad

Restauranten på Rudskogen
Rudskogen Motorsenter - Gocart

Rudskogen Motorcenter is a MC- and car track that is 3520 m, and a go cart track which is 1200 m long and meets all international demands.

Welcome to Rudskogen Motorsenter.

During the past year, we have built new beautiful premises at the facility. Rudskogen has established a large sports building with a large event garage of 400 square meters. In addition, we have several conference rooms of varying sizes with a high standard of AV equipment. Our new restaurant has room for 130 people and is beautifully decorated. Our chefs make sure that good food and drink are served throughout your visit. The facility appears today with a surprisingly warm and pleasant atmosphere as well as with a very high quality. Now you can arrange various types of events at the facility. We can't wait to show you how nice we got it!

Rudskogen Motorsenter can give you an experience you will never forget. They organize racing events for caompanies, groups and individuals. They tailor each event to your needs with exclusive BMW eacing BMW cars and first class gokarts,

If you've ever wondered how it feels to sit behind the wheel of a thoroughbred racing car, then Rudskogen Centre v / Harald Huysman Racing can give you an experience you will never forget. We organize racing events for companies, groups and individuals. In addition, we arrange race with go-carts, as well as tailored arrangement with exclusive BMW and karting events for groups.

Drop in - Gokart
Harald Huysman Karting has drop-in gokarts on an outdoor track at Rudskogen every Friday and Saturday in season (April - October).

Gatherings, training sessions and festivals
In addition to our own events, there are car and motorcycle gatherings, classes, driving courses, and not at least, festivals throughout the season from April to October.

Winter season is devoted for courses but is also suitable for track days on snow.

The annual summer festival to Streetcar, held the second weekend in July each year, gathering up to 45,000 spectators at the weekend. In season from April to October there will be something on the track every day. We now have year-round operation of the pitch. For schedule, see

Telephone path: 69 22 68 10
Phone events: August 22 00 60
Fax: 69 22 68 11

Source: Visit Indre Østfold

Rudskogen Motorsenter, Rakkestad

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