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Saltdalshytta Bicycle Park, Sogndal

Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal
Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal
Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal
Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal
Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal
Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal
Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal
Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal
Saltdalshytta Sykkelpark, Sogndal

Welcome to Nordbohus Bicycle Park in Rindabotn in Sogndal Ski Center. Fun for everyone.

The 1.2 kilometer long circular trail is a low-threshold bicycle offer easily accessible and centrally arranged in Rindabotn. The bike path is suitable for all ages.

The bicycle park is open 24 hours a day and is free to use. You only pay for parking.

Remember helmet and happy trip!

Source: Visit Sognefjord AS

Saltdalshytta Bicycle Park, Sogndal

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