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Sandefjord Bad - Spa 1837-1939

Kurbadet Sandefjord
Kurbadet Sandefjord
Kurbadet Sandefjord

Sandefjord became renowned in Europe in the middle of the 1800s as a centre for medicinal baths.

Sandefjord Bathhouse was opened as a health resort in 1837, and both royalty and well-known figures from the arts world were among the guests at the spa. The resort remained in operation up until the Second World War. The old Spa is today used for culture and banqueting rooms.

Guided tours during the summer season will be announced at Kurbadets facebook site and in the Event calendar What´s on? 

Guided tours for groups

If you would like a guided tour of the Kurbadet, please contact the Kurbadet administration.

Source: Visit Vestfold

Sandefjord Bad - Spa 1837-1939

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