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Sauna at Jølstraholmen

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Sauna at Jølstraholmen
Sauna at Jølstraholmen

Enjoy a steamy sauna and a fresh river bath at Jølstraholmen.

You can find the sauna at Jølstraholmen on the edge of the river with a view of the river Jølstra. Nearby you will find a small natural pool with the possibility of taking a dip.

Opening hours and capacity

The sauna is open every day all year round between 08.00 and 22.00, and can be booked by anyone over 18 years of age. You do not need to be a guest at Jølstraholmen to book this, open to everyone. The sauna has a capacity of 6 people.

If you want to have the sauna for yourself and your friends, you can book it privately for NOK 500 per hour or drop in for NOK 150 per person per hour. You can book it online at at least 2 hours before, or 1 hour before if you call directly.

Phone: 972 97 879

How to reach Jølstraholmen

Jølstraholmen is located on Vassenden in Jølster, about 15 minutes' drive from Førde and 20 minutes from Skei.

Source: Visit FjordKysten

Sauna at Jølstraholmen

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