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TripAdvisor rating of 3


Scandic Central Elverum

Hotel Central Elverum Elvelyst konferanse
Møterom og selskap – NO22, Hotel Central
Elvelyst bankett
Hotel Central, restaurant To Runde Bord
Central To Runde Bord
Hotel Central To Runde Bord Afternoon Tea
Hotel Central Bar Tomte Glass
Central To Runde Bord
Elvelyst bankett
Møterom og selskap – NO22, Scandic Central
Bar Tømte Glass
Hotel Central To Runde Bord Afternoon Tea
Elvelyst bankett
Central To Runde Bord
Central Superiorrom
Central bad

A full service hotel with 95 rooms centrally located in Elverum. The history of the hotel dates back to 1898, and has since been an important hub for the whole county. The hotel has been be fully renovated autumn 2017. 

Source: Visit Øst-Norge

Scandic Central Elverum

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