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schulestedet-280619 (1)
Inne - FB
Holmsbu havn_fotoPatricia_165022
schulestedet-bakga°rden-180419-2 (1)
Sculestedet inne
Schulestedet god morgen
Fasade vinter
schulestedet-080618 (1)

Our building is an old and charming wooden house from the end of the 18th century centrally by Holmsbu harbour. Outdoor seating at the front facing the sea and in our cozy backyard. Inside we have a cozy and intimate restaurant with old and crooked timber walls.

We serve good food from quality-conscious and close suppliers. The dishes are made with love and served with humour and care.

Schulerudgården was built in the fourth quarter of the 18th century, and is said to have been used as Hurum's courtroom in the early 19th century before it became a grocery store. Mr. Schulerud was a central figure in the local community, and was also central in the work of building Holmsbu church.

He was the grandfather of Mentz and Anne Catharina Schulerud, the latter better known as Anne-Cath. Vestly, and as a child they spent many summer holidays on the farm.

We have 45 seats inside and double that outdoors. We also offer take-away.


Member of Visit Greater Oslo

Source: Visit Greater Oslo


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