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Sculpturestop - HEAD N.N.

Torshovdalen - Hodet.N.N.
Skulpturstopp - HODET N.N. 1
Skulpturstopp - HODET N.N. 2
Near the northern end of the Torshovdalen valley you find HEAD N.N., a giant enlargement of a classic doll head which artist Marianne Heske bought at flea market in Paris in 1971. The bronze sculpture is seven metres tall, and next to it is a small amphitheatre.

Marianne Heske's intention behind the artwork is to let the public use HEAD N.N. and let their thoughts flow freely. The amphitheatre is intended to be a place where one can sit and have a clear view of both the sculpture and the Oslo Fjord.

Sculpturestopp is an initiative by and under the management of Sparebankstiftelsen DNB. The aim of the project is to bring sculptures of a high international calibre to Eastern Norway.

Source: VisitOSLO as

Sculpturestop - HEAD N.N.

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