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SDS Hansteen

SDS Hansteen

Immerse yourself in the fascinating story of Norway’s oldest surviving sailing steamship and its five lives: as a research vessel, as the royal yacht, as a ferry along the coast of Helgeland and as a houseboat, which provided accommodation for herring workers in Florø and later homeless people in Oslo.

Hansteen is now a protected vessel and has been returned to its original state from 1866. Join us on a guided tour and see the ship's coal-fired steam engine, the magnificent but royal hall, the ship’s bridge, the stoker’s small cabin and the equipment used for marine research and navigation along a difficult coast. You will see how the crew aboard lived (and lives today) and gain an insight into the significance of the ship for the people by the coast and for the nation of Norway.

Source: Visit Trondheim AS

SDS Hansteen

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