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Seaweed safari at Runde

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Flotte eksemplar av tarene i havet.
Ein finn mykje tang i fjøra på Sunnmøre.
På leiting etter tang og tare i fjøresteinane.
Interessant med tang og tare for både store og små.
Bli med på tangsafari på Runde.

Have you ever wondered how seaweed can be used for cooking? If you're curious about what these peculiar plants are and how they can be used, this tour is for you.

Taste kelp and seaweed

Seaweed clings to the water's surface, spreads along the shore, and might not seem particularly appetizing. But have you ever tasted seaweed? If you dare to take the plunge, you can dive into a fantastic world of good food. Our skilled nature interpreter will take you on a journey into the realm between the sea and the land, abundant with food resources.

Experience the tidal zone in a new way

After a brief meeting at the Runde Environmental Center, the nature interpreter will take you down to the sea. While smelling the salty sea, we taste the best ingredients you can find in the intertidal zone. The tour takes place in and around the sea, in rugged terrain. We will taste raw seaweed, cook some, and perhaps you'll get to try other special delicacies?

Source: Ålesund & Sunnmøre

Seaweed safari at Runde

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