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Selsethloftet - farm shop and cafe

Inderøy Selsethloftet Foto Visit Innherred WEB 2000 (3)
Inderøy Selsethloftet Foto Visit Innherred Berit (3)WEb 2000
Inderøy Selsethloftet Foto Visit Innherred WEB 2000 (5)
Inderøy Selsethloftet Foto Visit Innherred WEB 2000 (2)
Inderøy Selsethloftet
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ Honning
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ Sjokolade fra Jentene på tunet
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ Eplemost fra epler på Selseth
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ utvalg fra Kähler
Inderøy Selsethloftet_Drops Garn
Inderøy Selsethloftet_Sauseskinn
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ Kunstkort fra Emeselle
Inderøy Selsethloftet_Strikket skjørt
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ Ost og vinkveld
Inderøy Selsethloftet_Vesker fra Handed-By
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ Potetkakkurs
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ Julemesse på Selsethloftet
Inderøy Selsethloftet_ Avlastningsbord fra Handed-By, utvalg fra Kähler, saueskinn
Inderøy Selsethloftet Foto Visit Innherred WEB 2000 (7)
Inderøy Selsethloftet Foto Visit Innherred WEB 2000 (9)
Inderøy Selsethloftet Foto Visit Innherred WEB 2000 (1)
Inderøy Selsethloftet Foto Visit Innherred WEB 2000 (10)

Selsetloftet is a farm shop and café situated in beautiful surroundings on a farm in Venneshamn, in the Inderøy municipality, just under 2 hours north of Trondheim.

At Selsetloftet, you'll be greeted by friendly hosts, and there's plenty to see. Here, you can take a break from your busy everyday life. Take a look at the range of products and treat yourself to a cup of coffee with delicious cakes and desserts while enjoying a good conversation.

Farm Shop
In the farm shop, you'll find a varied selection of products such as yarn, knitting accessories, interior décor, bags, mats, candles, finished knitted and sewn items, cups, plates, bowls, flower pots, and side tables.

At Selsetloftet, you'll find products from brands like:
Kahler Design
Blafre Design
Crema Kaffebrenneri
Kort og Godt Hobby
Jentene på Tune
Holli Brands

Small Café
Selsetloftet offers coffee service with cakes and desserts every Friday and Saturday when they are open. Here, you'll find a peaceful atmosphere with a good vibe where you can relax and have a pleasant conversation in cozy surroundings.

Events and Courses
Selsetloftet organizes social evenings with various themes, trips, events with a liquor license, such as cheese and wine evenings, and courses like potato cake baking and wreath making.

Stay updated on dates and more information by following them on Facebook. Selsetloftet aims to be a partner in planning events, parties, bus tours, and courses.

Berit Selseth Ramdal warmly welcomes you and promises that Selsetloftet is a place you'll want to return to!

Source: Innherred Reiseliv

Selsethloftet - farm shop and cafe

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