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Selstali Seter

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Selstali alpine pasture farm in Gausdal Valley at the foot of Mt.Gaustatoppen, is a genuine, Norwegian, alpine pasture farm.

Selstali alpine pasture farm in Gausdal Valley at the foot of Mt.Gaustatoppen, is a genuine, Norwegian, alpine pasture farm.

Here you can meet cows and calves, and at certain times one can watch the dairymaid milking, churning butter and making cheese, sour cream and "prim", a kind of sweet, brown whey spread, in the traditional manner.

You can purchase the farm's products and also a license for trout fishing in the 10 lakes surrounding the farm.

Selstali welcomes visitors all summer.

Large groups need to book in advance.

Two logcabins for hire.

Open during summer.

Source: Visitrjukan AS

Selstali Seter

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