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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa

Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa
Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa
Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa
Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa
Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa
Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa
Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa
Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa
Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa

Sjoa Hostel is beautifully located in a quiet area between the rivers Sjoa and Gudbrandsdalslågen.

The hostel is originally a farm from the 13th century, and we offer good standard facilities. Family cabins, double-, 3-, or 4-bedded rooms. All our rooms and cabins have ensuite bathrooms.

The breakfast buffet and other meals are served in the main building, built in 1747. Here, the open fireplace and the timber walls create a very special atmosphere. In addition, Sjoa Hostel has a varied and extensive activity program for both adults and kids, e.g. white water rafting, canyoning, river boarding, rope activities, mountain horse riding, glacier hiking and muskox safari. From the hostel you have a great starting point for hikes in the mountains – we are located close to the national parks Rondane, Jotunheimen and Dovrefjell.

The river Sjoa is also well suited for fishing, and you can fish for free on the premises of the hostel.

Welcome to Sjoa Hostel!

Source: Nasjonalparkriket Reiseliv AS

Sjoa Hostel | Explore Sjoa

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