
Skagedalsvatnet is at 1089 m above sea level. To reach the lake it is possible to walk from Homlong via Homlongssetra to Skagedalssætra, then from there up to the lake.
Skagedalsvatnet is at 1089 m above sea level. To reach the lake it is possible to walk from Homlong via Homlongssetra to Skagedalssætra, then from there up to the lake. Alternatively, it is possible to walk to Skageflå and then to Homlongsætra and otherwise following the same route.
Fishing permits cost NOK 50/day.
Fishing permits: Fjorden Campinghytter at Homlong, +47 99 47 57 50
- All year
Source: Ålesund & Sunnmøre