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Skeid Kro | Restaurant

skeid kro
skeid kro skjåkmat
2020_08_11 Skjåk turistheim skeid kro_Mari Wedum (12)
Skeid Kro
Lammeskank_Skeid kro
skeid kro skjåkmat-1
prosukter i milj+© samlet 1
Skeid kro

To preserve and develop the unique food tradititions in Skjåk, Skeid Restaurant lay stress on the original, genuine and popular. The restaurant are located in Skjåk, midway between Lom, Stryn and Geiranger.

Skjåk Tourist Home and Skeid Restaurant (Skjåk Turistheim / Skeid Kro) are situated off Route 15, midway between Lom, Stryn and Geiranger.

The hot meals section at Skeid Restaurant always offers a choice of two or more dishes. For a set price you can help yourself as many times as you wish. The a la carte menu offers several specialities. Our own in-house butcher partitions joints and prepares them according to local recipes.

To preserve and develop the unique food tradititions in Skjåk, we lay stress on the original, genuine and popular. We buy cattle beef and produce ourselves. This allows to specialize and to secure the first class quality we want for our food. We make bread and cakes in our own bakery. So we are able to deliver the best to our guests; fresh quality, distinguished food.

Parking area reserved for coaches. Plenty of car parking. Seats 200.

Source: Visit Jotunheimen AS

Skeid Kro | Restaurant

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