
Fjellbussen is a FREE bus service between Rjukan and Gausta.
Mountain Bus - FREE!
The Mountain Bus departs from Rjukan Bus Station daily at 09:30, 11:00, and 14:00 to Stavsro. From Stavsro to Rjukan Bus Station at 12:00, 14:45, and 18:00. Stops at all bus stops upon clear signal.
The shuttle bus at Gausta is also free and runs between Gaustablikk Mountain Resort, Bygget, Gaustabanen, and Stavsro every half hour between 10:00 and 13:00. On demand until Gaustabanen closes at 18:00.
The Mountain Bus is a transport service between Rjukan and Gausta/Gaustatoppen.
The Mountain Bus makes it easy for those who want to stay in the town of Rjukan and still enjoy the benefits of the mountains, as well as for those who want to stay in the mountains and still take a shopping trip to Rjukan, visit Rjukanbadet or other activities in Rjukan.
Prices: The bus is free!
- Winter
Source: Visitrjukan AS