Skiløyper i Hovin

Hovin has a well-developed ski network for skiing.
Hovin has a well-developed ski network for skiing. Blefjell Idrettslag has several miles of prepared ski trails that can be used by everyone from Spjeldset and Gvæven eastwards towards Åkli and Nordover all the way to the rolling network from Rollag.
If you want to go hiking in the Blefjell massif itself in wintertime, it is easiest to drive to Nordstul on Bolkesjø where there are run-up trails up to Bletoppen or over to Flesberg.
Blefjell Idrettslag at Søren Våle prepares the ski slopes from Svarttjønndalen and Gvæven at each snowfall as far as practicable.
Information about the trails can be set
Call us at tel. 350 250 296 or 91 55 06 34.
To get to the ski slope that goes from Svartjønndalen, take RV 364 towards Spjellet (toll road with fee) and drive inwards until you reach the end of the road. Wich means where the plowing ends. There is a parking space.
To get to Gvæven, take RV 364 where it is signposted to Gvæven. You also drive to the end of the road. The last part of the road runs between a small alley. There is a large parking lot where the ski run begins.
Source: Visitrjukan AS
Skiløyper i Hovin