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Skistua (ski cabin) in Gjøvikmarka - A great cross country starting point

Skistua i Gjøvikmarka

Skistua (Gjøvik ski cabin) - A great starting poing for cross country skiing in Gjøvikmarka
​​​​​Skistua is located in idyllic surroundings in Gjøvikmarka.It's essentially a crossroads for skiing tracks north of Gjøvik and can easily be accessed by car, about 7 kilometres from the city center. Right outside the skicabin you will find a large parking lot, or you may of course arrive along the miles upon miles of skiing tracks running in all directions.

Chech out more skitrails and ski trail report (Norwegian)

Source: Visit Øst-Norge

Skistua (ski cabin) in Gjøvikmarka - A great cross country starting point

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