Skjerdal Stølsysteri and Cafè Aurland

Meet goats, sheep and horses in our mountain farm. The traditional brown and white goats cheese has been produced in this valley for hundred of years
Skjerdal Stølsysteri and Cafè is a modern summerfarm where we keep our goats in the summer.
We also have sheep and horses.The goats give milk to the traditional white and brown goatcheese we make at the summerfarm. Here you can meet the goats, we can show you around at the summerfarm and tell you about the traditional cheesemaking and the daily living at the summerfarm.
At our outdoor Cafè we serve a taste of the cheese we make, coffee/tea and organic applejuice from the farm. We also serve prebooked lunch.
Skjerdal Stølsysteri and Cafè is open from 1.july – 30.august
Every day from 10:00 - 19:00
The hike from Skjerdal to Skjerdal Stølsysteri and Cafè takes about 30 minutes and is suitable for all ages. But, the last hill is fairly steap and very hard for bad knees.
Parking in Skjerdal The farm Skjerdal is at the end of the road 242 and here you can park your car at the visitorparking by the side of the road.
Hiking in Skjerdal The hike from Skjerdal to Skjerdal Stølsysteri and Cafè is about 1,6 km ( ca 30 min) but you can also continue up in the valley to «Fjellstølen» or the top of the mountains Skulenosi, Leimsnosi or Blåskavlen.
Other alternativs: 1. Book a guided tour to Skjerdal with Fjordsafari in Flåm and get a whole day experience of the fjord and the summerfarm, included lunch with ataste of all our cheeses.
2. Bicycle to Skjerdal ; ca 6 km from Aurland , park your bike in Skjerdal and then hike up to the summerfarm.
3. Kayak to Skjerdal Kai and hike all the way from the fjord up to Skjerdal Stølsysteri and Cafe, ca 1,5 hours.
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS
Skjerdal Stølsysteri and Cafè Aurland