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Nordre Land

Skjervungfjellet 1098 m a.s.l.

Ved Spåtind

Skjervungfjellet is located east of Synnfjorden, at the very top of the Synnadalen valley, and offers beautiful views towards Spåtind 1414, Skarvemellen, Rundemellen, Snuen, and Ormtjernskampen.

Skjervungfjellet is located east of Synnfjorden, at the very top of the Synnadalen valley, and offers beautiful views towards Spåtind 1414, Skarvemellen, Rundemellen, Snuen, and Ormtjernskampen.

There are way-marked trails from the Røde Kors cabin and Synnseter just behind Spåtind Sport Hotel.

With easy access all year round, this peak is an ideal trip for families with children. The distance to the top is 2 km, and the trip takes 1 to 1 ½ hours to complete. If the weather is rough, the Skjervungfjellet area is a good alternative to Spåtindtoppen. The hike is easy, and leads through gentle forest and mountain terrain.

By car, follow route 250 and then 196 (signposted Synnfjell). Parking is available just behind Spåtind Sport Hotel.

Source: Visit Lillehammer

Skjervungfjellet 1098 m a.s.l.

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