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Slinningsbålet (Slinning bonfire)


One of the most famous bonfires in the world is lit every year on Saint John's Eve in Ålesund.

Slinningsbålet is especially known for its world record as the worlds tallest man-built bonfire. The bonfire achieved the Guinness world record in 2016 when it was 47,7 m tall, but the record has since been taken over by a different bonfire. Nonetheless, Slinningsbålet is a spectacular view that annually attracts audience from all over the world.

The bonfire is quite unique because it's built by hand by local enthusiast without any special tools. It is now a cherished tradition, and every year they start building the tower of wooden pallets a few months in advance and set it on fire on Saturday that's closest to Saint John's Eve.

You can see the bonfire from many spots around Ålesund, for example from the southside of the city centre or from Aksla mountain. It is also quite an experience to watch the bonfire from a boat - or perhaps a kayak?

The bonfire will be lit the nearest Saturday to the 23rd of June at 21:00. It takes some time until the flames spread to the whole tower, and you can see the bonfire until late in the evening.

Source: Ålesund & Sunnmøre

Slinningsbålet (Slinning bonfire)

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