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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Smak i Lom | Local Food Store

Smak i Lom_ Mark Cabot2
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Smak i Lom

Smak i Lom is a local food shop where you can find the best of smallscale, handmade foods such as cured meat, cheese, beer and much more!

Smak i Lom - Farmers Market and local food shop!

At Smak i Lom you can find the best of smallscale, handmade norwegian foods, such as a wide variety of cheese, cured meat, beer, fruit and vegetables, chocolate, icecream and much more! These are all handmade products made of the best ingredients, many of them organic. Clean food made without artificial flavours and preservatives – based on traditional norwegian recipes!

Lunch and coffee: 
In the summertime we also serve a lunchmeny based on local ingredients, organic icecream and coffee from one of the best roasters in Norway, Sognefjord Kaffibrenneri. We also have local beer from Lom bryggeri on tap, all of this you can enjoy outside on our terrace with a view of the waterfall and the Stave Church.


Source: Visit Jotunheimen AS

Smak i Lom | Local Food Store

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