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Snowkiting in Nordfjord

Snowkiting in Nordfjord

If you fancy strapping on your skis and getting some wind beneath your wings, Stryn is the perfect place to go snowkiting. You can experience snowkiting in Stryn in both winter and summer.

Breidalen valley in the Strynefjellet mountains is extremely flat and easily accessible. It also has plenty of wind, giving it excellent conditions for snow kiting. The area is situated between Grotli and the first tunnel on the way to Stryn. Watch out for wild reindeer if you go snowkiting in the Strynefjellet mountains.

If you prefer snow kiting in warmer surroundings, Tystigbreen glacier may be the perfect place. The glacier is great for snowkiting in the warm summer sunshine. You can park at Stryn Summer Ski Centre, take the ski lift up and walk the last few metres to the top. The walk takes 30 minutes.

All kiting in Nordfjord is done at your own risk.

Source: Nordfjord

Snowkiting in Nordfjord

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