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Spiterstulen glacier and mountain guides | Guiding activities in Jotunheimen

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2020_06_26 Galdhøpiggen fra° Spiterstulen_Mari Wedum (13)-Produktbilder 650x380px
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2020_06_26 Galdhøpiggen frå Spiterstulen_Mari Wedum (7)-Produktbilder 650x380px
2020_06_26 Galdhøpiggen fra° Spiterstulen_Mari Wedum (45)-Produktbilder 650x380px
2020_06_26 Galdhøpiggen frå Spiterstulen_Mari Wedum (94)-Produktbilder 650x380px
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Spiterstulen bre- og fjellføring
Storjuvbreen_Skarstind og Nåla_Spiterstulen bre- og fjellføring

The guiding and activity providing company Spiterstulen Glacier and Mountain guides is based on long guiding traditions in the areas around the tourist hut Spiterstulen. It started with guided hikes to Galdhøpiggen, the highest mountain in Norway, already in the1850s. The area around Spiterstulen offers opportunities for climbing the majority of Norway's big summits on day trips, both summer and winter.

The guiding and activity providing company Spiterstulen Glacier and Mountain guides is based on long guiding traditions in the areas around the tourist hut Spiterstulen.

It started with guided hikes to Galdhøpiggen, the highest mountain in Norway, already in the1850s. There are a lot of other major peaks in the area, and from the 1950s, there was established daily guides tours to the spectacular glacier Svellnosbreen,

The guides working for Spiterstulen bre-og fjellføring has a deep understanding both of the elements of the mountain, the weather and the people.

The area around Spiterstulen offers opportunities for climbing the majority of Norway's big summits on day trips, both summer and winter. Welcome to spectacular activities in the lush valley, Visdalen in Lom, Jotunheimen. 

The guides:
All the mountain guides on Spiterstulen has local knowledge with a lot of  mountain experience and relevant education. Local affiliation, love of the mountains and detailed knowledge of the various routes and possibilities are among their core values.

We love outdoor activities and has experienced that a stormy day can be as great as a sunny day.

Source: Visit Jotunheimen AS

Spiterstulen glacier and mountain guides | Guiding activities in Jotunheimen

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