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Østre Toten

The pilgrim trail from Hoff church to Smørvika in Kapp


A nice short walk along the Pilegrimstrail, Gudbrandsdalen West. 
(This is an extract of the Gudbrandsdalsleden vest pilgrims’ path map) 

The pilgrims’ path through Østre Toten: From Hoff church to Smørvika at Kapp (approx. 7 km)
With the exception of the Lie – Apelsvoll stretch and the Evenrud area, the route from Hoff towards Kapp follows a charming local road from the 1500-1600s. It leads through the yard at Hoff rectory and continues along fields across the ridge at Lie, offering spectacular views of the rural communities at Toten, Mjøsa, Helgøya, Neslandet, and the areas further north. By Kapp church, it re-joins the medieval route and leads through the chestnut-tree avenue past Undesløs, a former district court judge's residence, to Smørvikodden. It then follows the public foot and cycle path “Strandvegen” to Kapp Melkefabrikk.

At Strandvegen, just before you reach Smørvikodden, there is opportunity for a south-western detour to the south-west, past the Tallodden swimming spot, to the Peder Balke Centre.
Enjoy your trip!

Cultural heritage, natural heritage, and other points of interest along the pilgrims’ path:
1. Sundli: In the farmyard is a boulder with cup-shaped hollows from BC 1200-1400.
2. Lie: Iron Age burial mound, 10 m east of the pilgrims’ path. Stone Age find.
3. Smørvika: Old harbour for goods and passenger traffic on Mjøsa.
4. ​​​​​Kapp Melkefabrikk: Old factory from 1889. Nestlé’s first venture outside of Switzerland. Quay for the paddle steamer Skibladner.


Source: Visit Øst-Norge

The pilgrim trail from Hoff church to Smørvika in Kapp

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