The tourist office in Brumunddal
Eco certified travel providers
Environmental certification of private and public enterprises, also tourism.
Regular opening hours
Monday - Friday: 11 am - 3 pm
Opening hours during the summer seasons:
May 1st - June 17th
Tuesday - Saturday 11 am - 3 pm
June 18th - August 14th
Monday - Friday: 11 am - 4 pm
Saturday: 11 am - 4 pm
Regular opening hours fromAugust 15th.
About the tourist office in Brumunddal - Visit East Norway
We gladly help you find the preferred restaurants, cozy accommodation options or one of the countless experiences in the region. The tourist office also provide a selection of books for rent.
Visit East Norway runs the tourist boards in Both Brumunddal and Gjøvik. We are the official destination marketing organization spanning the 9 municipalities of Gjøvik, Vestre Toten, Østre Toten, Søndre Land, Gran, Lunner, Jevnaker, Ringerike and Ringsaker.
Do you wish to contact us? Reach out on:
• Phone: 418 09 731
• E-mail: rd@visitostnorge.no
Vat. nr: 970 228 934
Follow us on Facebook
• Arne-Jørgen Skurdal, CEO, ajs@visitostnorge.no
• Heidi Gran, Market coordinator, hg@visitostnorge.no
• Mette Stenersen, Market coordinator, mette@visitostnorge.no
• Renée Dekker, Market coordinator, rd@visitostnorge.no
• Runar Bekkelund, Information officer / web coordinator, rb@visitostnorge.no
• Rune Aasheim, Gjøvik chamber of commerce, raa@gjovik.com
Street Address
Visit East Norway
Brugata 11
2380 Brumunddal
Why visit us?
• You meet a helpful staff who will answer your questions and provide the local advices that may improve your experiences in the region.
• We sell souvenirs and post cards, as well as maps from around the region.
• Free internet access
• Get the regional tourism brochure for Innlandet
• Plan your next destination - We carry a wide range of regional brochures from other parts of Norway.
Source: Visit Øst-Norge
The tourist office in Brumunddal