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Torp-ekspressen (Torp Airport Bus)


Bus between Oslo Bus Terminal and Sandefjord Airport Torp

The Torp-ekspressen airport bus operates between Oslo Bus Terminal and Sandefjord Airport Torp. The travel time is approx. 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Bus stops
Torp-ekspressen makes the following stops: Oslo Bussterminal - Sjølyst - Lysaker - Høvik - Asker - Drammen - Torp

Departure from Oslo Bus Terminal
Torp-ekspressen departs from Oslo approx. 3-4 hours before departure from Torp to most international destinations.

Departure from Sandefjord Airport Torp
Torp-ekspressen departs from Torp approx. 35 minutes after arrival from most international destinations.

You can buy your tickets on the bus. Cash and major credit cards accepted.

Last updated: 01/01/2024

Source: VisitOSLO as

Torp-ekspressen (Torp Airport Bus)

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